mercoledì 13 aprile 2011

SPRING TIME by SussieM Designs

E' con grande emozione che oggi metto questo post!
Infatti con mia enorme sorpresa sono stata accettata nel team creativo di una delle mie artiste preferite: sussieM! Sono ancora incredula ed oggi mi trovo a mostrarvi il suo ultimo splendido kit che profuma di primavera e dolcezza!

ecco quindi "SPRING TIME" by sussieM Designs!

It's with great emotion that I write this post!
Last monday I had the great surprise of being accepted into one of my favourite artists creative team: sussieM! I can hardly believe it, but today I'm here to show you her latest gorgeous kit. Can you feel a scent of spring and sweetness?

it's "SPRING TIME" by sussieM Designs!

my pages

2 commenti:

  1. I saw the CT announcement on her blog and I was so happy for you, sweetie!!!! Have fun with her kits, I like them too! And she was clever to choose you, your pages are UNIQUELY beautiful!!!!

  2. Congratulazioni!!!
    hai creato le pagine meravigliose come sempre
