Hi ladies I'm having quite a difficult period lately so I didn't put on the pages I did with my kit "Romantic Spring", so now I want to show you both.
Let's start with those I did with the new one "EASTER EGGS" on sale exclusively @
SCRAPBOOKGRAPHICSAnd don't forget that on sunday I will pick 2 lucky winners among those that left a comment to the sneak peek post to have the chance to win become a follower and leave a message in
Elettra doing egg hunt

and Elettra quite disappointed with a dove that dirtied the bench she's sitting on!

and here you have the pages I did with "ROMANTIC SPRING" on sale @

and now do you want to receive this amazing quickpage my dear friend Serena did with my new kit "easter eggs"?

then you only need to subscribe to my newsletter sending me an email to info@prissdesigns.it with the title "subscribe" and I will immediately send you the download link!